The lion's roar is one of the most iconic sounds in the animal kingdom. It's a resonant, deep-chested noise that can be heard from miles away. This powerful vocalization serves multiple purposes for lions. It establishes territory boundaries, warns intruders, and helps reunite separated pride members.

Lions are highly social animals, living in groups called prides. They communicate with each other with soft grunts, moans, and purrs.

Hello: Lion hums and puffs to show that he is happy to see you.
Come to mommy: Lioness calls for her cubs by grunting very softly, and they call back to show her where they are.
Go away: Lion growls, stands up tall, hunches his back and bares his teeth.
Don’t do that: Lion or lioness swats the guilty member of the pride with it’s paw.
Life in Africa is good: Lions and lionesses purr and lick or gnaw at each other.
Come to mommy: Lioness calls for her cubs by grunting very softly, and they call back to show her where they are.
Go away: Lion growls, stands up tall, hunches his back and bares his teeth.
Don’t do that: Lion or lioness swats the guilty member of the pride with it’s paw.
Life in Africa is good: Lions and lionesses purr and lick or gnaw at each other.

1. Glen Carrie
2. Andrea Brataas
3. Gary Whyte